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Who I am

As a passionate coach and consultant with 30 years+ experience all over Europe, North America, Middle east and Africa, I passed the 10.000 hours bar twice in the realm of human development:
10.000 hours+ of R&D and 10.000 hours+ in execution and delivery of leadership development related interventions.


For the R&D part, I see life as a lab where I am both the first guinea pig and the scientist in chief as well. What drives individuals (engagement, motivations, obstables) is the main topic.

I see my clients as ppart of a tribe that cultivates sinificance as a way to approach all facets of life.

I am a digital minimalist, no TV, no FB, no TikTok, no groups except on Linkedin. It releases significant amount of time for presence and deep personnal connections.

The love of my partner and the future of my five children drive me on a daily basis.

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