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Tools, concepts & resources

Significance by Design©

ASCG proprietary coaching model made of 3 subsystems :

  • Significance,  where contribution to the eco-system meets recognition from the eco-system

  • The signature pyramid, equivalent to the client’s Operating System and her own unique way to deliver value

  • The resilience subsystem to help articulating growth no matter the circumstances

The 4 S’s compass©

Where the 4 S’s stand for Self-doubt, Self-belief, Self-esteem and Self-confidence. An ASCG development adapted from:

  • The six pillars of self-esteem by Nataniel Branden

  • Researches on Mental Toughnes


Essentialism: the art and mindset of making one decision that avoids 1000 hesitations. E.g. when you start a new project asking your team how the project generates significance, it focuses the team’s attention and inner resources on completing the project as an expression of their best. Essentialism prevents from distraction, sustains engagement and delivers focused value creation.

Blue Ocean Strategy

Imagine an ocean red as  the blood of predators fighting for the little food available. By contrast, imagine a blue serein lagoon, with plenty of food. This is the metaphor for organizations managing to frame their own market in order to escape the competition/rat race paradigm. For more details, please see Mauborgne and Chan.

We, at ASCG, help our clients (individuals and organizations) to identify/frame their blue ocean as part of the Significance design process.

Value Proposition Design (VPD)

Value emerges when the client sense that her needs are specifically addressed (all why, what and how are met). VPD is a model that helps identifying the client’s needs and the way to meet them in an articulate way. For more details, please see

We, at ASCG, help our clients master the VPD model as part of he ongoing Significance driven performance.


Double Axis and North East Star, an ASCG proprietary visual facititation technique. To engage teams into collective intelligence, the DANES© technique helps build consenses and clarity on what is at stake, reading the context and framing the opportunity and the path to realization. DANES© is at the core of two ASCG modules:

  • The S.O.H.I!©strategy, (Standing Out Highly Influential) for Executive Presence

  • Business Case Design and Delivery, a 3 steps module to support the business decision making process collaboratively.

Situational Leadership (SL II)

Fundamentals of Ken Blanchard’s model determine that

  • Leadership style is a function of direction and support

  • Development level is a function of motivation and self confidence

  • The employee’s level of development determines the leader’s leadership style.


At ASCG, we use SL II to help our clients grow their self mastery and become better resources for their teams.

On motivation:

  • Heisenberg’s theory on dissatisfaction and satisfaction factors

  • Madanes 6 human needs


On success:

  • High Performance Patterns by Jeffrey Fletcher

  • Moments of Greatness by Robert E. Quinn (UMich)

On change:

  • ADKAR model

  • Building the bridge while you walk on it by Robert E. Quinn (UMich)

On leadership:

  • Leadership in an age of uncertainty by Deborah Anconna (MIT)

  • The fifth discipline by Peter Senge (MIT)

Models repository

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