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In a context of engagement crisis, A.S.G.C. mission is to help decision makers put significance at the very center of their leadership.

Engagement crisis where:

  • people feel overused and underutilized, and

  • leaders doubt their ability to engage stakeholders

  • the underlying deal of loyalty and performance for recognition has completly shifted

Significance is where unique contribution meet recognition


Genesis of the project

In an articulated way, putting under the same roof all developments and succesful contributions resulting from 30 years+ of experience in the field of leadership development in EMEA and North America through consulting, coaching training and facilitation.


Significance is both a human need and a business necessity

The human need of being recognized for our unique way to contribute, as to sustain engagement.

The business necessity to create and deliver value while keeping competition at a distance.

We, at A.S.C.G., help our clients make significance the driving force in and for their eco-system.

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